Shop The Look It's no secret that every blogger loves the Like To Know It app. Actually, when you become a fashion blogger, you learn that Like To Know It is the IT platform for all bloggers. However, as a newer blogger or someone who has been blogging for a little bit, you might not understand why you should join or the benefits you can have from joining so I am going to lay it all out on the table today and talk about my experience with the app! What Is Like To Know It?

Make sure you have good quality photos (maybe if you are serious about blogging, invest in a good quality camera)
Make sure they know what your Niche is (whether it's fashion, beauty, home decor, whatever, just make sure that it is clear what your page is all about)
Have an aesthetically pleasing feed (this isn't super important however it does matter and I always say, don't post a picture just to post one. Make sure it is good and looks good)
Have a member refer you (I actually did not know members could do this until I looked it up but it can help you get in! If you need a referral, DM me or comment below and I would be happy to help!) These are just a few steps but, joining Like To Know It is usually your first step into becoming a more serious blogger so if that is what you want, change your mindset about your page to be more business like and put more time into your blog and social media accounts. How Do I Use The App? Once you have been excepted you need to download 2 apps: The Like To Know It app and the Reward Style App (Screen shots below of both). The First app, Reward Style, will be where you link everything, check your sales, and more. You followers cannot see your commission and other stuff you do on Reward Style app. This app will just be your hub when linking stuff. The Like To Know It app, the second one, is what your followers can download to shop your feed. It isn't necessary to have the second app however, I like to have it so I can check to see what my followers can see since your feed looks a little different on the first app then the second.
