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Try Adding A Puff Sleeve To Your Summer Wardrobe


I’m going to be honest, when I first saw the puff sleeve trend, I was not for it at all. When my mom was my age, puff sleeves were in and I was not about it. However, after purchasing two puff sleeve tops I was hooked! There are so many ways to wear a puff sleeve and today I am going to show you a few ways!

Starting with the picture above, this was the first puff sleeve top I got and I am so obsessed with it, I think it is the perfect amount of puff! I paired it with a denim skirt and some booties. This look is probably my favorite and I love to wear booties in the summer, I think these white booties are just perfect with the puff sleeve.

Another way to wear the puff sleeve trend is by wearing a dress with a puff sleeve. This dress is so gorgeous and has a ginger jar print that I am crazy about. Something I love about the puff sleeve trend is that he sleeve doesn’t have to have the biggest puff sleeve. This sleeve is very dainty but still makes a statement and I love that!

This next look is super casual and cute. I love this look for a date night or lunch/brunch with my girlfriends. This top would be cute with some flare jeans as well!

This last look is a different twist on the puff sleeve and is cannot get enough of this look! This top is one of my all time faves! My style is definitely feminine and i think this top just screams feminine and dainty and girly and I just love it! This top looks really cute with jeans as well but I also love it with some denim shorts as well!

If you’re looking for a way to change up your style, I definitely suggest trying this trend, I think y’all will love it!

XO, Natalie



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