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The Ultimate Guide to the LTK Day Sale!

  1. What is Like it to Know it? For those of you that have never heard of the like it to know it app, it is an app used my many different bloggers and its a super easy way for followers to shop your outfits! I link almost all of my outfits to the app and it is so easy to use! I also love to look at other bloggers outfits and shop them as well! If you do not have the app, download it from the app store and create a profile. This is SUPER important for the sale because it is the only way that you will be able to shop the sale, through the app!2. when is the sale and what Brands are included? The sale is a 1 day event on June 23rd (3 days) and like I said above, you have to have the app to be able to shop the sale. Below I am including a graphic of the brands that are involved. A few that I am really excited about are Urban Outfitters, Express, and Anthropologie!

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