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How To Create A Blog On Wordpress + The Pros & Cons of Wordpress

  1. Theme 1

  2. Theme 2

  3. Theme 3Pros & Cons of Wordpress Pros: 

  4. It's easy to use and very straight to the point.

  5. It is an easy site for your followers to navigate

  6. It's very easy to post a blog post

  7. Plug-in's are super easy to install and use

  8. Stats are easy to read and you can get really feedback from them

  9. You can make your own custom domain

  10. It is easy to install widgets or coding (I use coding from Reward Style all the time and it is sooo easy to install)Cons:

  11. You need a Business account to do most things

  12. You can't really install adds so you can't make money off ad's on Wordpress

  13. You have to pay for a custom domain Honestly, I love Wordpress and I have had zero problems with it so far and if you think you want to start a blog I definitely suggest starting out on Wordpress using the free plan. If you like it and want to continue blogging, I suggest moving to the Business plan!



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